I see it in babies, kids, teens, and adults. It gets itchy, sometimes infected, and often annoying to patients. In Greek eczema means "to boil over," which refers to the blistering or weepy phase of the disease. Eczema can start in infancy as crusted patches on the scalp, cheeks, tushies, arms, and legs. Later, as kids get older, it often shows up on the inside of arms and backs of knees. Adults usually develop hand and finger dryness and cracking, which is often painful.
Although we don't know exactly what causes it, it seems to run in families and has a genetic link. The immune system may be more sensitive to certain triggers. Often, asthma and seasonal allergies run together with eczema. People that have two of three of this conditions are called "atopics." They have sensitive skin that is easily irritated.
Here are my tips for anyone with eczema or sensitive skin. Make sure all soaps, detergents, and moisturizers are mild and fragrance free. I like dove, cetaphil, cerave, eucerin, and vanicream. Since I just mentioned moisturizers, let me say it again: MOISTURIZE! You can't do it enough. The love of my life (after my hubby and daughter) is aquaphor. I love it for any skin area, as a lip moisturizer, for laser and peel after-care, for wound healing, on areas after biopsies and surgeries, etc. Slather it on. If it seems too greasy to use during the day, put it on at night and sleep with it. For dry, cracked hands, slap on aquaphor and then cotton gloves on top. It's amazing stuff. Did I mention that I love it? Make sure baths and showers use lukewarm water, not hot water. Moisturize right after coming out of the bath, when skin is still damp. Avoid soaking your hands in water; use gloves when doing the dishes or housework. And certain fabrics, like wool, can be very irritating to atopic skin.
When moisturizing is just not enough, there are prescription steroid and non-steroid creams for the skin, as well as antihistamines that can be recommended by your doctor. Also: raw, scratched areas can easily become superinfected with bacteria and viruses, so it's important to see a dermatologist regularly. Although many kids will outgrow eczema, there are plenty of adults with it to tell you that this doesn't always happen. Luckily, summer months are usually better for atopic skin than cold, dry winters. And here in south Florida, we have plenty of summer!
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