Ah, the sun. While it's essential for life on earth, too much of it is not a good thing. We all know we should wear sunscreen and avoid too much exposure - but the specific reasons why aren't always so clear.
The biggie is skin cancer. Damage from ultraviolet light causes mutations in cells, which leads to skin cancers such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Sunburns and tanning also increase the risk of developing melanoma, the most worrisome type of skin cancer.
And if that's not enough to make you reach for your tube of sunblock, let's talk about the havoc that the sun wreaks on beauty and youth. Ultraviolet light accelerates aging. Period.
Specifically, wrinkles, brown spots, and broken blood vessels (telangiectasias). Pre-existing pigment on the face gets darker with sun exposure. Exposure to the sun can also cause loss of pigment, which often shows up as little white spots on the arms and legs.
Although there are topical treatments, like bleaching creams and retinoids, as well as lasers, to correct these issues, if the skin is still exposed to the sun, they will recur.
So what's a South Florida lover to do? I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Sunblock, sun protective clothing, and avoiding the sun during peak hours is key. For overall skin health, protect your precious skin!
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